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175th Infantry Regiment (29th Division) DI
  • 175th Infantry Regiment (29th Division) DI
  • 175th Infantry Regiment (29th Division) DI
  • 175th Infantry Regiment (29th Division) DI

175th Infantry Regiment (29th Division) DI


175th Infantry Regiment (29th Division) screwback DI. It is unmarked. The 175th, the 29th Division's reserve, landed on the still unsecured Omaha Beach on the morning of 7 June, and proceeded to its objective to seize the village of Isigny sur Mer. It pushed through Isigny and crossed the Vire River and on to St-Lô. The 175th fought stiff German resistance hedge row by hedge row. The 1st Battalion, 175th Infantry pushed the American lines to within three miles of St Lo, creating a salient into the German lines. The unit defended the high ground, known as Hill 108 but nicknamed "Purple Heart Hill" as they were surrounded on three sides. This is a hard fo find DI from a crack unit that saw a lot of action. Very good condition.


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