A-9 flashlight, hand energized - Quick view
A-9 hand energized flashlight. The flashlight is 1944 dated. It still works and has its thread and spare bulb. A red proofing stamp is on the bottom. Perfect for display. Very good condition
A-9 hand energized flashlight. The flashlight is 1944 dated. It still works and has its thread and spare bulb. A red proofing stamp is on the bottom. Perfect for display. Very good condition
5 Francs invasion currency. 1944 dated. This belonged to Major Ralph L. Norling who served with HQ of the 5th Division. Norling kept the note as a souvenir and dated it 31 July, 1944. Unique momento. Very good condition.
5 Francs invasion currency. 1944 dated. This belonged to Major Ralph L. Norling who served with HQ of the 5th Division. Norling kept the note as a souvenir and dated it 31 July, 1944. Unique momento. Very good condition.
10 Francs invasion currency. 1944 dated. Very good condition.
Matchbook, U.S. Army. Full OD matchbook with Army seal. It was never struck and all matches are present. Excellent condition.
Plastic cover, presented in the Quartermaster catalog as Cover, Waterproof, Rifle or Carbine (see last photo). The waxed paper at the opening of the cover is still present as it was never used. As used during D Day. Two available. Very good condition.
Army issue brown plastic toothbrush holder. Straight from the box! Excellent condition.
Patriotic pencil set. Stamped US Air Corps, Army and Navy respectively. Typically the pencils have plastic eraser holders as all steel was reserved for the war production. They were never used or sharpened. Nice for display or in the map case. Very good condition.
M-167-A Clipboard. OD green clipboard with Masonite sheets and steel spring hinges. These are quite hard to find. Very good condition.
P-38 can openers from the box. This is a unique find, a 1943 dated box with P-38 can openers from The Washburn Company! You pay for 9 but receive 10 P-38 can openers straight from the box! There is some corrosion on the steel openers and some minor rust on the wrappers. The...
List of phrases. Yellow stock paper fold out in its envelope. It contains various phrases translated to French, Dutch, German and Spanish. These were in Air Force escape pouches. Hard to find on the loose. Very good condition.
Matchbook, Don't Talk, Chum Chew TOPPS Gum. Full matchbook with very nice graphics. It was never struck, all matches present. Excellent condition.